In the year 1989 Movement Impex Trading Co. was incorporated as an government recognized company having its roots since 1989 and also wears the badge of a Government Accredited Star Export House; a title conferred on the companies that meet international standards of quality and excellence. Beginning our exports to South African countries we have understood the highest level of quality required in the garment industry making our way to the European market.
Movement Impex Trading Co. understands that the world is constantly changing along with its demands and you have to Comply to the changes , slowing down will mean losing valuable opportunities .It is by this principle that it has dedicated its resources and capabilities towards keeping our clients ahead.
Movement Impex Trading Co. also focuses on their core competencies at the same time also driven by innovation and ethical conduct in every aspect of our business. Having its office established in Mumbai it deals with an wide range of products which expands to an exhaustive list .